Claremont School of Theology
About CST: Claremont School of Theology (CST) is United Methodist in origin and affiliation and is committed to an ecumenical and interreligious approach to theological education, representing a wide spectrum of both Christian and non-Christian denominations and faith traditions. Students are nurtured by Scripture, tradition, experience, and reason and are prepared for lives of ministry, leadership, and service. CST’s partnership with DSF was its first upon relocation to Claremont and is now its longest-running ecumenical partnership.
For more than 60 years, through communion and community, CST and DSF have worked together in the formation and preparation of Disciples of Christ and United Church of Christ students. This partnership between CST and DSF makes Claremont a unique and dynamic place for Disciples and UCC students to pursue education for ministry.
In March 2023, CST announced that it will be relocating to Westwood United Methodist Church in Los Angeles. This relocation will deepen the school’s mission and emphasis on both in-person
and distance learning and will ultimately fold into a strategic plan with renewed focus on the principles of Compassion, Justice, and Belonging.
Scholarships: DOC/UCC students are eligible to apply for scholarship support. Click here or contact us for more information.
Iliff School of Theology
About IST: DSF and Iliff School of Theology began their partnership on July 1, 2018. Located in Denver, CO, Iliff is affiliated with the United Methodist Church, serves more than 30 denominations and faith traditions, and is committed to social justice, inclusiveness, and religious diversity. As one of the leading theological schools in the nation, the school offers a diverse community that is supportive, challenging, progressive, and enriching for students. Student comes from a diverse array of backgrounds, and the faculty is internationally renowned.
This partnership with Iliff is a vibrant addition to DSF’s work in supporting and empowering ministerial students across the nation.
Scholarships: DOC/UCC students are eligible to apply for scholarship support. Click here or contact us for more information.


Pacific School of Religion
About PSR: By means of DSF, Pacific School of Religion maintains a close relationship with the Disciples of Christ. Partly because of the denominational partnership between the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ, in 1987 PSR and DSF established a formal affiliation.
PSR’s mission is to prepare a diverse cadre of spiritually rooted leaders with the vision, resilience, and skills to create a world where all can thrive. Founded in 1866, PSR is a progressive Christian seminary, graduate school, and center for leadership development and social justice, located in Berkeley, CA. PSR transforms individuals and communities through a flexible, stackable curriculum and a collaborative, lifelong learning ecosystem powered by diversity.
PSR/DSF alumni/ae have said that their affiliation with DSF while at PSR provided them the intimacy and denominational opportunities of being at a Disciples seminary, while enjoying the wider ecumenical and interreligious educational experiences of PSR and the GTU.
Scholarships: DOC/UCC students are eligible to apply for scholarship support. Click here or contact us for more information.
To request more information:
Disciples Seminary Foundation
115 E. Wilshire Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92832
Email: info@dsf.edu
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