Rev. Belva Brown Jordan named Interim President of Disciples Seminary Foundation

Rev. Belva Brown Jordan
DSF’s Interim President
December 6, 2019
CLAREMONT, CA – The Disciples Seminary Foundation (DSF) has named Rev. Belva Brown Jordan as its Interim President. Rev. Jordan will begin serving as Interim President on January 1, 2020. DSF is thankful to Rev. Dr. José Francisco Morales, Jr., who has been acting President since August 2019, for his leadership during this time of transition and is excited about what the future will hold as Rev. Jordan leads DSF into its 60th year of serving God through the formation and support for emerging theological leaders for diverse Christian communities.
Rev. Marilyn Fiddmont, Chair of the DSF Board of Directors, stated, “We are so truly honored that Belva Brown Jordan has accepted the call as Interim President of DSF. She is uniquely gifted for leadership in this role and during this time. The Search Committee, chaired by Rev. Lori Tapia, did an outstanding job in completing their assignment in a thorough and timely fashion. Belva's ministry and experience in theological education is stellar. We anticipate that she will continue the positive transition time of DSF.” Rev. Fiddmont said Rev. Jordan will serve as Interim President for 18 to 24 months.
Rev. Lori Tapia, Chair of the Search Committee, said, "DSF is in a vital time of transition which calls for leadership with a depth of knowledge of the ministry and connections to our theological schools and partner communities. Rev. Jordan has been ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) for 33 years, and has served the church in a variety of capacities, including as board chair for NBA, Moderator Elect and Moderator, DSF Dean and has served in the arena of theological higher education for the past 27 years. Her extensive knowledge of theological education, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and Disciples Seminary Foundation, as well as her ability to understand and navigate systems and people with deep discernment and compassion, is critical to this time of transition for DSF. We do believe the Spirit has moved in this time and we feel confident the person God is calling has been brought forth, praise be to God!"
“This opportunity to serve as DSF's Interim President clearly connects with my ‘call’ and passion for serving the church through theological education,” Rev. Jordan said. “The past six years at Claremont School of Theology, along with service in three other theological schools over the past 21 years, has helped to prepare me for this privilege and challenge. I am deeply grateful to CST for its constant support along the way. Over the next 18 to 24 months, we will not only celebrate 60 years of service to the church, but set a vision for the future that honors our legacy of ‘formation and support of emerging theological leaders for diverse Christian communities’ and beyond. We will seek to reflect what it means to be grounded in God's covenant of love that binds us one to another. Pray with us as we learn from our past and listen to those among us, as we prepare for a promising future.”
Rev. Jordan is currently serving as Dean of DSF in Claremont and as the Associate Dean for Curriculum and Assessment, and Associate Professor of the Practice of Ministry at Claremont School of Theology. Rev. Jordan began her ministerial career as a denominational executive for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) with the Division of Homeland Ministry (Indianapolis, IN) as the Director of Racial/Ethnic Ministry. Rev. Jordan’s first faculty appointment was with Lancaster Theological Seminary (Lancaster, PA). After eight years at Lancaster, having earned tenure and served as Dean of the Faculty for one year, she moved on to Harvard University Divinity School (Cambridge, MA). For seven years, Rev. Jordan served as the Assistant Dean for Student Life at Harvard Divinity. After this, Rev. Jordan became the Associate Dean for Admissions and Student Services at Phillips Theological Seminary (Tulsa, OK).
With her experience, familiarity with, and passion for DSF’s ministry and mission, it is with great enthusiasm that the DSF staff, Executive Committee, and Board of Trustees welcome Rev. Jordan into this new role at DSF. We hope that you will join us in our excitement for this next chapter in DSF’s history, and as we celebrate DSF’s 60th anniversary in 2020.